Tag Archive: transition coach

A Career Transition Coach Can Help

Posted by Henry Barbey

If you are looking for a career transition coach, you are not alone. More and more people are finding they need to change careers for many reasons.

Your reasons could be changes in technology or in the economy. You might have made the wrong decision to begin with. You might be bored, dissatisfied or simply unfulfilled.

Coaches help people discover their reasons for wanting to change. They ask pointed questions to help people figure out what is missing.

Once people figure out what is missing from their current careers, they need to create some plans. Coaches sometimes have their clients write out a blueprint of their life goals.

Starting over is not always easy. It is scary to take a different path. One of the things that coaches give their clients is encouragement.

It is much easier when you have help. You might think of your coach as a partner, someone to walk down your new path with you until you are ready to go it alone. One of the scariest parts for many people is feeling alone.

There could also be an easy path or at least one that is easier than what you might be thinking about. A little more education might be necessary but there are many careers that are complementary to each other.

Some of the things you learn about in career coaching are the complementary opportunities. There could be fields that you could transition into without having to get a completely new degree. You might already have the education you need.

You might be unsure about what you want to do with the rest of your life. You might need some clarity.

We start talking about what we want to be when we grow up at a very young age. We sometimes lose sight of our childhood goals as the years go by. A career coach might help you remember your childhood passion.

On the other hand, it could be the job you thought you would love as a child has become boring or unfulfilling. One of the human fundamental needs is to participate. Participation often means giving back to the community. Not all careers allow us to participate fully.

Everyone has unique gifts or talents. There are things that you do better than anyone else. Are you using those talents?

The answer is probably not since you are looking for a career transition coach. There’s no better time than right now to get started with your new life.